Having your first baby? Not sure if you want to breastfeed? Rule #1- fed is best!!! As long as you are feeding your baby then who cares if it is formula or breastmilk or combo? If the answer is you, you got it! And rule #1 of motherhood is stop caring what other people think!
I am not here to tell you what is best for you and your baby. I don’t know you or your situation. I am just here to tell you about my experiences and offer some tips if you decide to try breastfeeding!
First let me start by saying I was SO against breastfeeding for myself. I did NOT want to do it. Just the thought of nursing freaked me out. But, the formula shortage happened right before I got pregnant and it really scared me. I was worried if we chose formula feeding what would I do if we couldn’t find any for our baby. It terrified me. I also realized how expensive formula is. I knew with unpaid maternity leave that money would be tight for a little bit after birth. Additionally, I knew we wouldn’t qualify for WIC or assistance to cover the cost.
So then I thought, what if I just exclusively pump? Then I would be able to give my baby natural, healthy, FREE milk while still avoiding nursing. BUT THEN I realized. I am doing all of this work to pump and then bottle feed. Why not just go ahead and give nursing a try? I was already doing all of this work to pump and then bottle feed. Why not just go ahead and give nursing a try? If it didn’t work, then whatever. If it did work, then great.
I laugh so hard at myself now! My daughter is 20 months old and STILL nurses at night! I LOVED breastfeeding. I actually did not like pumping because it’s such a hassle. You have to get everything, put it all together, pump, clean everything, and store it all. However I did have to pump when I went back to work or times when I wasn’t around my baby.
At one year old I knew I wanted to break her from the bottle. We did this easily. I also thought I wanted to wean her from breastfeeding. But honestly, she likes it. I like the bonding. It’s not hurting anyone. So why not keep doing it until she’s ready to be done?
If you are wanting to try breastfeeding here’s some tips I have for you:
- First off don’t stress about it. The pressure is not helpful. Fed is best. If it doesn’t work out, you can still give the milk and nutrients your baby needs with formula. It will be okay!
- If you can make it through the first two weeks, you can do it! The first two weeks are torture. Your nipples get used to nursing. Your baby gets confident in how to suck.
- SEE A LACTACTION CONSULTANT!!! The hospital I delivered at had 24 hour lactation consultants on staff and I used them so much. I called them in at least twice a day. At first my baby was biting instead of sucking. They really helped us to get things moving the right way and she was a nursing pro in no time. It also was helpful for me because as a first time mom I had no idea what I was doing.
- Nipple sheilds! I would not have made it through the first two weeks without this thing. Its a rubbery plastic shield that goes over your nipple but has holes for the milk to go through. Beware, you should not use these long term. Your baby may not nurse without it. It is difficult to wean them from it. But when your nipples are raw it is helpful for sure.
Remember ultimately FED IS BEST!!!! Do not feel pressured to breastfeed your baby if you do not want to! It is your body and your baby and so it is your choice!